Sunday, May 3, 2009

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

Spent part of yesterday afternoon chasing this boy around the park. It was kind of hard to get his attention, but he was still cute. We had thought it was going to rain on us, but it ended up being beautiful.

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

5/2/09 Portraits in the Park

1 comment:

justjanne said...

These make me laugh out loud! Are you teaching Ms. T to chase after boys at her tender age?!?