Monday, December 29, 2008

12/7/2008 Wedding

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I helped at this wedding. Where has the time gone? Ah, that's right - into the snow. Well, they get to be my first try at a new way to upload. I'm hoping it'll allow for a bigger view of the pictures. Here it goes.

12/7/2008 Wedding

His white ankle socks cracked me up. Don't worry, you'll see later on that he was made to change them.

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

12/7/2008 Wedding

Congratulations Caitlin and Eric!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Eyes of the Beholder

I was caught again today by how beautiful her eyes are. By the secrets and the stories and the love I can see there... along with the obvious mischievousness that comes with being two. And I love that the simple switch between color and black and white can have such different feeling, even with the same image.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday Walking - well almost

Due to all the snow we are getting (very odd for this area) I've been stuck in and around the house quite a bit lately. So, for today you get a glimpse of what I see in my "walking" about.

Required snow shot -

The sneaky snow monster I've been spending my time with -

Blowing her toes dry after we painted them -

The food I've been making -

Hope you are finding fun things to fill your holiday season.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Since all anyone around here can talk about is the weather and the snow it only seems fitting that should be the subject of my photos. Hard to narrow down though. Seriously I have hundreds to pick from already. But here are a few from today's walking about.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ferry Ride

Part of the trip that I was gone on last week included a few trips on a ferry. It can be exciting or mundane, beautiful or drab. As with most things, it's all in how you look at it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day

Today was a snow day. Not a ton compared to a lot of places, but enough to make the people around her a little nutty. But, it made for a fun morning building a snowman, making snow angels, crunching around, and getting cold enough to appreciate coming in for hot chocolate.